Barcelona SC member in the Dominican Republic

Lisard Torró, our Vice-president, spent two weeks in the Dominican Republic during December. There he presented the first results of his research in the Cordillera Central deposits to some interested mining companies; these results are partially included in his MsC thesis en-titled “Hydrothermal alteration processes registered under “Loma La Cuaba lithocap” area (Ampliación Pueblo Viejo), Dominican Republic: a Cu-Au porphyry-type mineralization style?”  Furthermore, field and core-sampling were carried out during his stay in the Ampliación Pueblo Viejo and Cerro de Maimón districts. These samples are thought to be used for his PhD thesis “the VMS and hybrid VMS-epithermal deposits connection in an intra-oceanic island arc setting: the example of the Cordillera Central in Dominican Republic” recently registered. Everton Minera Dominicana, Cormidom and Perilya companies are thanked for their support.