Carl E. Nelson talk and CineForum

Last Friday 16th took place the first Barcelona SGA-SEG Student Chapter CineForum of the year, which was combined with a talk given by the geologist Carl E. Nelson, a consulting economic geologist who largely worked in the Caribbean region with mining and exploration companies and is the president of the consulting firm Recursos del Caribe, S.A. (

The chosen film for the CineForum session was Gold (2016), which is based on the true story of the 1993 Bre-X mine scandal about a supposed massive gold deposit in Indonesia.

Before the projection of the movie, Carl Nelson gave the talk “Junior Companies: the Risks and Rewards”. He explained the process of starting a mining Junior Company and how it can develop, providing two real examples, one of them being the same on which the movie is based. The talk gave place to some discussion among the assistants and the speaker, and was the perfect introduction for the film.